+86 021 6220 9608 ess3@ivy-metering.com
What is the LoRaWAN EU868 Mhz band?
LoRa is a wireless communication technology developed by Semtech in the United States and is widely used in local area networks. This technology can operate on different frequency bands, including 433, 868, 915 MHz, etc. These frequency bands are global free frequency bands and can be used for LoRa communication.
How to read the data of LoRaWAN smart energy meter?
With the continuous development of Internet of Things technology, remote meter reading technology has also been widely used. As a low-power, long-distance, wide-area network wireless communication technology, LoRaWAN technology is widely used in the field of remote meter reading.
How to choose an energy meter for a charging pile?
Electric vehicle charger metering refers to the electric energy metering of an electric vehicle charging station (EVSE) during the charging process, which ensures the accuracy and reliability of the electric energy metering data.
What is the German Eichrecht standard?
Accurate billing of electric vehicle charging services becomes increasingly important. In Germany, this is enforced by the German calibration law known as the “Eichrecht,” which sets guidelines for transparent billing and pricing comparisons between various EV charging providers.
LoRaWAN application
Smart cities require real-time knowledge of all aspects of urban life. To achieve this, smart cities typically utilize wide-area wireless networks to enable connectivity between a vast network of different data-generated iot devices, sensors, and smart meters. LoRaWAN wireless technology is the best iot solution for smart city-wide applications.